Monday, August 23, 2010

Chapel of the Angry Christ, Victorias City, Negros Occidental

Photo taken by Cristina Azcona in March 2009

I used to stare at this mural during Sunday masses when I was a kid.
The mural is from the Chapel of the Angry Christ.  Located in the compound of Victorias Milling Company (VMC), one of the bigger sugar refineries in the Philippines, it has quite impressive credentials.  The building was designed by the Raymond & Rado firm of New York.  The exterior and baptistry were designed by Ade de Betheune, a Belgian liturgical artist.  (Both deserve separate posts.)  

The piece de resistance -- the mural -- was done by Alfonso Ossorio, the son of the VMC founder Don Miguel J. Ossorio.  It caused quite a stir during those days.  I guess there was an unwritten rule then that churches were supposed to elicit calm and serenity -- definitely not the moods evoked by the red, orange and yellow tones of the mural.  

It took 11 months and it was finished in 1949.  Interesting to note that the mural hasn't been retouched since.  It still looks amazing.